Ask a male author about your male character traits or thoughts.

Amazon links to my stories: The Chess Master, Cinnamon & Sugar, Autumn Breeze, A More Perfect Union, Double Happiness, The Wolves of Sherwood Forest, Neanderthals and the Garden of Eden can be found down the right side of the blog. Another site very useful in categorizing books in their proper order is:

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

The male point of view in romance novels.

I started this blog years ago, in my mind, to correct misinformation about the male POV.

In so many romance novels men were treated as Alpha beasts attracted to large breasts and more simple in their thoughts. Therefore, suggesting that they think less, certainly speak less (true on the average), and let their penis decide issues.

I displayed alternative ways of writing the male character. I suggested renaissance thinking as a possibility for a mindset, that a decent percentage of men preferred an Audrey Hepburn to a Marilyn Monroe.

And now* I recommend men who support the ‘me too’ movement, racial equality, religious freedom, gender issues, and choices, etc. If you are stuck on alpha men, why not nuance them with these?

All humans have flaws, and all the better they show up in a novel as something that will change perhaps with the help of his or her opposite.

And as a suggestion, here's a quote from Writer's Digest: "Because a romance involves a man and a woman, each character participates in the development of the romance and the resolution of the conflicts." Write on.

*I've always felt this way.

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