I was sincerely disappointed when I found out my publisher didn't do novels about a young girl who becomes a World Chess Champion. So I published it myself. I believe I sold around twenty copies. This either highlights the strength of the publisher (I sold hundreds of Cinnamon & Sugar), or I wrote a lousy story. OR...
There were other factors. I received three crazy & poor reviews:
This novel should have been for teenagers. [I stated that it was. I guess the guy didn't read the promo material... and was more interested in puffing himself up.]
This novel had racial signals. [Whatever that is. I deliberately left race out of the story except where absolutely necessary to understand the story. There were no signals. What I think is that a racist wanted to knock me. The way I write there is only pone race, the human race.] Do I hear an amen?]
This novel had sex in it. [It did not. Yes, when the protagonist is growing up she asks questions addressed to her big sister to satisfy her curiosity. I ask, who growing up doesn't exhibit curiosity? The reviewer asked me to write out the "sex" in the story. What turnup did she grow up under? Apparently, the Iranian morality police wrote this review. If you don't tell a realistic story...]
So, you see, I got turned off and could not write. Well, now that I let out a little steam. I'll be writing again. Perhaps my publisher will have me back. And yes, I'll probably blog much more often.